Monday, 28 October 2013

On 01:28 | By Unknown
CHINTAN, Reflections on SPIC MACAY and its Core Values is a collection of articles that have mostly been published as ‘Conceptual Corners’ in the movement’s national newsletter Sandesh over the last eight years. Many of these articles reinstate the philosophy and ideology that, like our rich cultural heritage, have been passed on through generations. Others reflect concepts, discussions and experimentations with ideas during various stages of the movement. The intention of this publication is to document all the above that have guided the direction and growth of SPIC MACAY over the past three decades.

Volunteers, who have worked together on this compilation, were spread out over three continents. For them it has been a unique experience challenging and elevating at the same time. While coordinating harmoniously between widely varied time zones through high-speed technology, the message of this work made them pause and introspect, imbibe and feel inspired. May the same experience touch every reader’s mind and spirit! 

Monday, 21 October 2013

On 23:48 | By Unknown

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