Friday, 20 December 2013

On 07:27 | By Unknown

 Over the last 6 months, we have all worked very hard and given of our time, resources and ourselves to the revival of the presence of SPIC MACAY in the UK.

To celebrate our hard work throughout 2013 along with its many successes and failures, as we have only grown from strength to strength; learning from our mistakes and repeating good practices. A big thank you to all the lovely volunteers and friends who came and joined us in our celebration.A big thanks also to those who couldn't make it in person but were there very much in spirit at the First Annual Get Together of Spic Macay UK volunteers. There was home cooked food made lovingly by the volunteers and served affection. 

More photos on our Facebook page:

Sunday, 15 December 2013

On 11:23 | By Unknown
It is exactly a year since the maestro, the guru Pt. Ravi Shankar left for the heavenly abode. 

"It is very important that our government introduces classical music, dance and other art forms on a compulsory basis right from the kindergarten level. We need a conservatory of music and music colleges. I wish all the millionaires and billionaires in India would contribute something to the art of their country. I am not condemning any type of music but when the whole world comes to see and visit India, it’s the incredible tradition of this wonderful country that attracts them." - Excerpts from a conversation between Raviji and Satish and Shashi Vyas, June 2007.


The maestro helped nurture and preserve the beautiful legacy passed onto him by his seniors and he left a legacy that we today proudly uphold. Every one of us as volunteers of this beautiful movement called SPIC MACAY have a responsibility and duty to carry forth this torch. Please pause and reflect on the life and legacy of our gurus. 

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

On 11:17 | By Unknown
The performance by Pt. Shubhendra Rao (sitar) and Smt. Saskia de Haas (Indian cello), accompanied by Sh. Biplab Bhattacharya (tabla) marked the inauguration of the Oxford chapter of SPIC MACAY, UK.  

We are delighted to share with you glimpses of this beautiful event organised by the volunteers of Spic Macay, UK. Special thanks to our lovely team at Oxford led by Vikaran Khanna, President of the Oxford India Society.

We are extremely grateful to our esteemed artistes, Pt Shubhendra Rao (sitar) and Smt Saskia de Haas (Indian cello), accompanied by Sh Biplab Bhattacharya on tabla, for giving us all glimpses into the magic of the ragas. The marriage of the sounds of the sitar and Indian cello was absolutely mesmerising.

There were 140 people in the audience and they didn't want the artistes to stop!!! So mesmerised that they just insisted on 'one more'. The audience included not only the students, professors but also professionals residents of Oxford.

The QnA that followed saw a number of questions being asked. One of the most interesting questions asked was: "what is the role of silence in music?"Another was on the importance of having the drone - tamboora/tanpura in the background.

The performance lasted for close to 1 hour 40 minutes followed by the QnA. Once the performance was over, the audience gathered up near the stage to ask more questions and interact.

We are grateful to the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) for their kind support in making this event possible. This was a first of its kind event for the crowds and clearly there is a lot of demand and need to organise more such interactive programmes. We are also very grateful to Shubhendra ji for very kindly telling the members of the audience, the value of being a part of this beautiful movement - Spic Macay!

Thursday, 7 November 2013

On 05:12 | By Unknown

Monday, 28 October 2013

On 01:28 | By Unknown
CHINTAN, Reflections on SPIC MACAY and its Core Values is a collection of articles that have mostly been published as ‘Conceptual Corners’ in the movement’s national newsletter Sandesh over the last eight years. Many of these articles reinstate the philosophy and ideology that, like our rich cultural heritage, have been passed on through generations. Others reflect concepts, discussions and experimentations with ideas during various stages of the movement. The intention of this publication is to document all the above that have guided the direction and growth of SPIC MACAY over the past three decades.

Volunteers, who have worked together on this compilation, were spread out over three continents. For them it has been a unique experience challenging and elevating at the same time. While coordinating harmoniously between widely varied time zones through high-speed technology, the message of this work made them pause and introspect, imbibe and feel inspired. May the same experience touch every reader’s mind and spirit! 

Monday, 21 October 2013

On 23:48 | By Unknown

Saturday, 28 September 2013

On 16:23 | By Unknown

Every Sunday, we meet at the University College, London. Join us at UCL’s beautiful campus in Bloomsbury, London.

Day & Time: Every Sunday @ 1 pm

Directions:  WC1E 6BT

Gower Street, Bloomsbury

Euston Square

University College Hospital

To know more, email us at or
call Lakshmi Kaul at 07896851813.

‘Like’ us on Facebook:

Some snapshots of our meetings in the past:

Monday, 16 September 2013

On 14:18 | By Unknown
SPIC MACAY – An Initiative in Holistic Education

SPIC MACAY (Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth) is a non-political, non-profit, registered society founded in 1977 by Dr Kiran Seth, a Prof at IIT-Delhi who was awarded the ‘Padma Shri’ for his contribution to the arts in 2009.

SPICMACAY’s intention is to enrich the quality of formal education by increasing awareness about different aspects of Indian heritage and inspiring the young mind to imbibe the values embedded in it. For this, the most accomplished artistes of the country render programmes of Indian classical music and dance, folk, poetry, theatre, traditional paintings, crafts & yog in the premises of an education institution. Focus is on the student in schools and colleges. In 2011-12, 4600+ programmes were organised in more than 1500 institutions in 300 towns in India and 50 towns abroad impacting more than 2 million students.

All these programmes were organised by thousands of volunteers – students, teachers, housewives, retired people, professionals, young and old. SPIC MACAY celebrates Nishkaam Seva - the spirit of volunteerism – of giving selflessly without expectation.

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